Grenoble, remains of the past

Musée dauphinois

Grenoble, remains of the past
Auteur : Anne Cayol-Gerin, Vincent Charbonnier et Alain de Montjoye
Parution : 01/1999
Nombre de pages : 50
Collection : Les patrimoines
Éditeur : Le Dauphiné Libéré
Code produit : 0054
ISBN : 2-911739-20-5
Prix : 8,5
Dimension : 15 x 21 cm
Type : publication papier
Etablissement : Musée dauphinois
Thème :

Non-existent in prehistoric times, a small town in the Gallo-Roman era, a large village during the Middle Ages, and a small city in modern times, Grenoble has developed quickly, finally winning fame and glory in the 20th century. This perhaps explains why it is so often said that Grenoble is a city with no history, and certainly no heritage. Nothing could be further from the truth! We must therefore take a closer look at this , explore it and give free reign to our curiosity. If we do so, ve will discover that it a beautiful city an that we can also love its heritage.